Is it almost over?

From The Australian – The World

Expectations of a Ban victory have risen sharply after UN corridor talk established Qatar was the country that voted to “discourage” his candidacy at the last straw poll taken in the 15-member Security Council.

It meant that Mr Ban’s 14 “encouragements” included the council’s five permanent members – the US, Britain, China, Russia and France – whose votes will ultimately be crucial.

More to come…

10 Responses to “Is it almost over?”

  1. Insha Allah says:

    Great Little Children’s Juvinile Slogan Around The World:

    East or West
    Tharoor is the Best
    South or North
    Shashi is still Worth.

    So it is not yet almost over!

  2. concerned_earthling says:

    As charming as Mr. Shashi Tharoor is, unfortunately, he is carried away by his eloquence and diction, that as the UNSG could be extremely divisive at the critical juncture in which our Earth is at the present moment.

    The foot in the mouth shows when Mr. Tharoor says there is “no single sacred book”. A thesis to which i myself agree to. BUT for a future UNSG to say that in a world where more than half of the humanity believes in a unique holy book is not the voice of peace and coincillation.

    The recent statement can be found under an old (leaner?) foto of him.

  3. concerned_earthling says:

    ..and the manner in which, Mr Tharoor has fought the UNSG elections has been divisive. “The fat lady has not sang yet”. But, it is a win-win situation for him personally. All this publicity (his spin, “transperency”) helps his commercial prospects as a writer of mere words when there is so much more at stake.

  4. Insha Allah says:

    We salute u for guiding us to re-discover the greatness of the great being through

    Fortunately,Tharoor is not carried away by his eloquence & diction. It is just a very subjective perception of the words which give many meanings, to many minds, in many ways! And as UNSG,he could be more adhesive than divisive.

    Firstly about the sacred book… well… this is not the site for discussing the unique holy book.
    However just to clarify- When Tharoor says “there is no single sacred book”, he is speaking about the PARTICULAR eternal ideals & ideology (sanathana dharma), not about any religions in general that too in an interview. The sentence “there is no single sacred book” means there are many sacred books, not just only one in Sanathana ideology.Making mountain out of mole is very easy, but understanding the mere words of a Great Author shouldn’t be so tough!

    The future UNSG, who reperesent the voice of peace & coincillation from many sacred books would be definitely ideal to be adhesive than divisive.

    Secondly,Tharoor has not considered unsg selection as a war to fight.He is just himself & has taken it with a very sportive spirit with his usual charming witty jokes. Ofcourse,it is a win-win situation for him personally, bcos he never knew how much he matters to
    ‘ we the people’ around the world!

    All this publicity, whether helps his commercial prospects as a writer or not,all his literary works that he had done till date( without the publicity of being the UN official), are definitely going to bring new channels of supports to UN & its reforms.If he wins, world would lose the Great Author & gain the Great UNSG. If he loses, world would still re-gain the Great Author & UN under secretary general who stirred the world from day one of his nomination,yet gave some jobs for some idle minds to constantly pull his leg with meaningless fault finding attitude.

    Some games are played not just to win, but to cherish the sweetest memories! And all the victory will not be as glorious as some defeats!

    So much more at stake?A perfect delusion.Earth is earth. Heaven is heaven.His mind has a key link to seventh heaven to keep himself in perfect bliss forever & to transmit it to the world through his mere healing golden (s)words.

  5. […] Whether more candidates would come forward has been a subject of prolonged and uncertain discussion among observers. Most felt that Ban’s strong show on September 14th practically sealed it for him, and if the Qatari rumor is true, all the more so. […]

  6. mathew says:

    Is there any link between the fact that Ban Ki Moon is leading the straw polls and South Korea has recently tripled its foreign aid to Africa, including, incidentally, two non-permanent members of the Security Council, Tanzania and Ghana? Check out this news item in Asia News

    So, does this amount to votes for cash? If so, is this the way to win the top job of the UN, which is supposed to be a beacon of ethics and moral principles? Should the UN accommodate such brazenness? Oh, boy!

  7. mathew says:

    Is $18 million the price for a vote from a non-permanent member of the Security Council for a candidate vying for the UN’s top job? Or it ot more? There are interesting insights into the cash dealings behind the stellar showing of the South Korean candidate on this site

    So the post of the UN Secretary-General, someone who is expected to use his/her moral authority to heal the divisions between nations and broker peace, can be bought by dishing out plenty of cash? And, isn’t it a shame that the members who sit in the sanctum sanctorum of the UN are unabashedly conniving at this cash-for-vote scam? Oh, boy!

  8. Insha Allah says:

    Mathew, this was the old news.Infact Korea is lobbying since past one yr, but the Korean newspapars say others are lobbying.But Tharoor is one who do not encourage such national aspirations at the cost of moral ethics.He is a diplomatic but cannot play cheap politics.If he was interested to play, he could have been the national politician or minister by this time. But he remained as a humble but terrific writer along with his world service through UN. May be UNO is not yet lucky enough to have such person as unsg,whole heartedly,who is both insider as well as outsider through his twin career.(Added advantages with well composite package to be an ideal UNSG)

  9. concerned_earthling says:

    Thank you for keeping some of the debate with Ms/Mr Inshallah intact. It is the weakness of electronic writing/internet, that things can be
    so easily changed and records of a debate can be changed.

    During the debate, i did get the feeling that through my e-mail address,
    my identity was made known to the strong supporter of Mr. Tharoor but i may be mistaken.

    I have been to and have noticed the article from beliefnet that was the crux of my debate with his supporter has also been taken out – so,
    it can not be pretended that the candidate from India was not in the know of things. And my feeling/fear says twenty years from now he will also remember my name, Gul Ramani born in New Delhi, who kind of spoke out against his canditature on a web-site that he has described as “the
    gold standard”. Since, I do not possess such contacts as he or his supporters do in India, and the fact that part of our debate and his links to beliefnet have been rubbed out. Sincerely wish him the best as an artist of words and any other ambitions he may have. We are in a global democracy, already when the world wide web is concerned. My request is that these words are not rubbed out. And if Mr shashi Tharoor or his “great” supporter Insha-Allah chances on these comments, they could publicly state that the debate was in a gentlemanly way and we humans have the right to disagree inspite of our common racial 🙂 backgrounds.

    On a personal note, i must state, that i had the oppurtinity to hear Mr Tharoor as a young man in Delhi and the visuals of his wearing his trade-mark british army jacket kind of irritated me. That is all, I wish the gentleman all the best, life does not end after a UNSG race.

  10. concerned_earthling says:

    Please, please, please Mr Shashi Tharoor or supporter declare that the debate was legit.

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