Vike-Freiberga withdraws, Ban now sole candidate

Joining Thailand’s Surakiart Sathirathai, Latvia’s President Vaira Vike-Frieberga withdrew her candidacy for UNSG today.

In a statement released moments ago,Vike-Freiberga at Opening of 61st GA - UN Photo 125677

…Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga wishes to thank all those who have supported her candidacy. She thanks particularly warmly Estonia and Lithuania for placing exceptional trust in her candidacy. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga expresses her appreciation to all the countries represented at the Security Council that have supported her candidature in two indicative votes. [The] President of Latvia warmly thanks the leaders of the Eastern and Central European states that expressed their support for her candidature at the UN General Assembly debates last month. Finally, Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga wishes to thank all the representatives of civil society, in particular organizations promoting gender equality, for their heartfelt encouragement.

The statement described Vike-Freiberga’s campaign as challenging the “restrictive regional or gender criteria” which she felt characterizes the current selection process and the continuing need for reform.

The President emphasized the need for a higher degree of democracy, openness and transparency during the selection process of the Secretary General. It is her firm belief that other qualified candidates representing half of humanity and one of the most dynamic regions of the world will eventually succeed in being elected to this august post.

Perhaps in 2016?

3 Responses to “Vike-Freiberga withdraws, Ban now sole candidate”

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    Vike-Freiberga withdraws, Ban now sole candidate «

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